From Grade 4 onwards students are required to be assessed in all subjects through a mixture of exams, projects, homework, and in-class work, with exams providing 50% of the official report card subject grade, and the other 50% being an average of projects, homework and in-class work. The weighting of the final report grade is based on the number of hours of instruction in each subject area per week, multiplied by the grade in each subject and then averaged. All subject grades are stated as a percentage, with the overall report card grade then translated into a final number between 1 to 5, five being the top grade.

Within the IB Primary Years Program much emphasis is given to the quality of formative assessment for which a clear policy exists in the school covering Grades PreK to 4, and the reporting of progress with particular emphasis on how far learners are adopting the IB learner profile, one of the key principles underpinning the IB curricula in all programs. There are six detailed reports per year after each unit provided to parents (PreK to 4), with a regular opportunity for parents to meet teachers in a formal setting to discuss their children’s progress. Children are also integrated into the assessment process, as outlined in the school’s policy, and, at the end of the academic year, children have an opportunity to present their portfolio to parents centred around an individual conversation about their progress, with concrete examples of their work throughout the year.

The assessment policy, set at a national level, requires all grades to be entered into a special Ministry of Education Website (e-okul) on a regular basis by each school. Every semester, i.e. two times a year, students receive an official Education Ministry required school report. Mid-semester reports are also given. All reports are official documents signed by the principal and are, therefore, given special attention. Also parent can reach these reports through the e-school system of the Ministry of Education.

Teachers are required to give regular feedback to students on performance in exams, on homework, and on project work, and to maintain updated and accurate records. The students are ranked on graduating from the school and the top students, based on yearly averages on continuous assessment and exams from Grade 4 onwards, are given special mention at the end of Grade 8. The top students get automatic full scholarships to the Özel Bilkent High School.

In Özel Bilkent Primary School, in addition to the government e-school system, has a web-based computer program that has been developed in-house which is used to put grades and homework topics onto the net. This program is then regularly accessed by parents so as to keep up to date with their children’s progress. The System also contains a messaging facility which allows regular contact between individual families and the teacher, or whole class/family communication.

Many teachers also have individual or departmental websites for more course specific information, or use Moodle as a means of communicating homework and course related work.